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For K-12 Teachers, college professors, educators, and volunteer facilitators

University service-learning offers professional development workshops in service-learning methodologies and related topics. Learn to implement this engaging instructional strategy that has been proven to:

  • Teach common core standards
  • Engage unmotivated learners
  • Improve dropout rates
  • Excite excelling students
  • Improve citizenship skills
  • Increase civic knowledge and responsibility
  • Make learning fun
  • Ignite 21st century skills
  • Improve communities

Workshop descriptions

Service-learning: the gist
This one hour workshop serves as a brief introduction to Service-Learning. What it is? Why do we use it? It will also review the benefits, challenges, and research in service-learning.

Service-learning: nuts & bolts
This three hour workshop includes information provided in The Gist, as well as provides instruction on the theory and resources to implement service-learning. Participants will leave with an understanding of service-learning methodologies and tools to implement service-learning on their own.

Service-learning: blitz
This full-day workshop includes the Nuts & Bolts of service-learning, providing instruction on the theory and resources of service-learning. as well as guides participants in creating and preparing their own service-learning lesson plan. Participants will leave with their lesson plan, as well as feedback from the facilitator and their peers.

Let's get critical
This 90 minute workshop provides training in facilitating critical reflection to link service experiences to genuine learning. It is used in Service-Learning to connect service activities to classroom academic objectives/standards and is used by Volunteer Coordinators to help their volunteers understand the social issues their organization is addressing. Participants will leave with an understanding of critical reflection and how to create and facilitate reflection activities with their participants/students.

To schedule a training session, please contact us.


    The gist Nuts & bolts The blitz Let's get critical
Duration 1 hour 3 hours 6 hours 90 minutes
< 10 Participants $200 flat rate $45 / person $55 / person $20 / person
11-15 Participants $200 flat rate $35 / person $45 / person $18 / person
16-19 Participants $200 flat rate $30 / person $40 / person $15 / person
20-29 Participants $200 flat rate $500 flat rate $800 flat rate $250 flat rate
30-40 Participants $200 flat rate $650 flat rate $1100 flat rate $325 flat rate
  • Add 8.5% ASU Administrative Fee
  • If outside the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, travel expenses are assessed at $0.445 per mile in Arizona.
  • For out of state trainings, all travel expenses must be covered for the facilitator.
  • These workshops are often offered at select and related conferences. Workshops delivered at conferences are included for free with regular registration to that event.

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